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Pastoral Care

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” - Pierre Tellhard de Chardin

As members of the health care team and Faith Health Network at Medical Center Hospital, our chaplains provide counseling, connection and support to patients, families, caregivers, visitors, clergy and staff throughout the Medical Center Health System.

The chaplains are present to provide for you and your family’s:

  • Spiritual Needs
  • Religious Needs

The chaplains are present to provide for you and your family’s spiritual needs and religious needs of any faith tradition or of no faith tradition. A chaplain can contact (with your permission) your pastor, priest, rabbi, imam or your faith community to help support you while you are in the health system.

We have an ecumenical chapel and meditation room to be used by anyone in need. It is located on the first floor of the hospital near the main entrance and is always open for personal worship, prayer and/or quiet reflection.

The chaplains in the department are ministers who are qualified through their training and experience to offer Spiritual Care to all people in the Medical Center Health System. Their sensitivity to individual beliefs and knowledge of different religious practices enable these chaplains to meet the people at their point of need.

Contact Chaplain Services

Chaplain Doug Herget, Director of Pastoral Care
(432) 559-2531

Chaplain Faith Bernabe, Staff Chaplain of Pastoral Care
(432) 640-1400

You can also ask your attending nurse to contact the chaplain on call.