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School Breakfast

As the kids go back to school, you have been shopping for new shoes, backpacks and notebooks getting all the things for your child to start the school year off right. Starting out with the right supplies is important, but so is starting each day with breakfast. Children that eat breakfast are able to focus and concentrate better. If a child misses breakfast, they may have not eaten in 12-15 hours by the time lunch time comes around. How do you feel when you have not eaten in a long time? It is much easier to get along when you are not starving.

If your family does not want to eat breakfast, try some ideas and new menu items. Try non-traditional breakfast items such as sandwiches, pizza, pasta or a baked potato. Peanut butter works well on toast, crackers or bananas.

If the breakfast table is a battle ground, try setting out different choices of cereal and cut up fruit, letting them choose what to mix.

Set the meal timing for what works best -whether right after getting up or waiting for a while to eat.

Eat breakfast with your family! Breakfast is not just for children. Adults who eat breakfast control their weight, have lower cholesterol and are more productive in the mornings.

Breakfast time can be rushed, so keep quick items on hand such as low-fat chocolate milk, string cheese, yogurt and low sugar cereal.

Homemade Mini Pizzas

These are always a favorite. Let them choose their toppings.

  • English muffins (Different breads will work, but can get soggy if they are too thin.)
  • Spaghetti sauce
  • Skim milk grated mozzarella cheese (Any cheese will work.)
  • Cut up vegetables (zucchini, carrots, tomatoes, black olives)
  • Heat the muffin in a toaster or toaster oven. Add a spoonful of spaghetti sauce, then top with cheeses and vegetables. Microwave or toast in oven to melt cheese. Be careful – cheese can be very hot.

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